Our Blogs

The Challenge of PFAS Sampling
A long-awaited USEPA ruling designating PFOA and PFOS, commonly referred to as forever chemicals has created a framework to help address the health impacts of those chemicals. However, there are many challenges to assessing and remediating those compounds.

Common Environmental Violations Part 1
I wrote this post to describe some of the most common environmental non-compliance violations that I have encountered, and the steps businesses can take to avoid them.

Foreclosures and Environmental Liability
A discussion of environmental liability for lenders of commercial/industrial properties.

2023 Predictions - Sackett v. EPA
CWA and the impending US Supreme Court decision that may change the way wetlands are regulated in the US.

Environmental Justice and Climate Resiliency Resources
A list of helpful resources providing socioeconomic data and environmental factors for various communities across the US.

What should environmental justice advocacy look like?
Environmental justice is the practice of acknowledging overburdened communities that typically bear the brunt of environmental impacts and trying to put resources toward lessening those burdens.

Revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule and its Local Implications
The updates to the lead and copper rule have the potential to shift the landscape if local officials act expeditiously.